Our Developed Tools and Professional Development
What are NIEER's Proprietary Research Tools
Our research tools are a set of meticulously developed instruments and assessments designed by the National Institute for Early Education Research's past and current staff. These instruments serve as valuable resources for evaluating and enhancing the quality of early childhood education programs. They encompass a wide range of assessments, surveys, cost calculators, and observation tools that provide educators and policymakers with data-driven insights to support the optimal development and learning of young children. NIEER's Research Instruments are highly regarded for their research-backed methodologies and their ability to contribute to the improvement of early childhood education practices and policies.
License Our Research Instruments
Our suite of meticulously crafted tools and assessments, designed to elevate early childhood education, is available for licensing. Gain access to these invaluable resources to evaluate and enhance the quality of your early education programs. With NIEER's Research Instruments, you'll have the key to data-driven insights that can transform the learning experience for young children. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your early childhood education initiatives – license our instruments today!
Licensing Process
Step 1: Request the Instrument
Initiate the licensing process by filling out the NIEER Instruments Request Form or CPQ Instrument Request Form, depending on your chosen instrument. You can access these forms below.
NIEER Instruments Review Copy Request Form
Step 2: Complete Licensing Forms
In addition to the general request form, you'll need to complete the licensing form specific to the instrument you've selected. This step ensures that you're granted appropriate access and permissions. Once we receive your form we will reach out. Some instruments will require training which has costs implication.
Early Learning Scale Preschool Assessment
Cost of Preschool Quality & Revenue (CPQ&R)
Classroom Assessment of Supports for Emergent Bilingual Acquisition (CASEBA)
Self-Evaluation of Supports for Emergent Bilingual Acquisition (SESEBA)
Preschool Rating Instrument for Science and Mathematics (PRISM)
Teacher Survey of Early Education Quality (TSEEQ)
Step 3: Submit Your Request
Send your completed forms, including the NIEER Instruments Request Form or CPQ Instrument Request Form and the instrument-specific licensing form, via email to our Program Coordinator, Carol Contreras.
Step 4: Await Confirmation
Once we receive your request, our team will review and process it. You'll receive confirmation of your licensing request, along with any additional instructions or information you may require.
Preschool Rating Instrument for Science and Mathematics (PRISM)
The PRISM (PRISM; Stevenson-Garcia, Brenneman, Frede, & Weber, 2009) is a classroom observation instrument that objectively measures the presence of classroom materials and teaching interactions that support mathematics and science learning. The PRISM consists of 16 research-based items:
- Materials for counting, comparing, estimating, and recognizing number symbols
- Materials for measuring and comparing amount: Volume, weight, length, height, distance, time, and area
- Materials for classifying and seriating
- Materials for geometry and spatial positions/relationships
- Materials for biological and non-biological science explorations
- Materials to support reading about and representing science
- Counting for a purpose
- Identifying and writing numerals and numerical symbols
- Numerical operations
- Identifying and using geometric shapes
- Spatial positions/relationships
- Measuring and comparing amounts
- Classification and seriation
- Science explorations, experiments, and discussions
- Observing and predicting
- Recording science information
The instrument has undergone, and continues to undergo, an iterative development process. Initial versions of the tool were piloted in early childhood classrooms serving under-resourced communities in New Jersey and New York. The current version of the instrument was used to study a total of 199 preschool classrooms in New Mexico, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Kentucky. Further information about the PRISM can be found in the sources cited below. Despite being unpublished, the PRISM is sought after by researchers and educators in the U.S. and internationally because of its potential to contribute to early childhood science and math research and professional development efforts.
Early Learning Scale Preschool Assessment
The Early Learning Scale (ELS) is a reliable, observation-based performance assessment designed to aid educators in evaluating the progress of children aged 3 to 5. The ELS seamlessly integrates with various curricula and caters to the diverse needs of student populations. It encompasses domains such as Math/Science, Social-Emotional/Social Studies, and Language and literacy, with the option of a supplementary Motor Development assessment.
- Access our Motor Development Supplement here.
- Read the technical report from NIEER researchers on the Early Learning Scale
- Read the report on the Kindergarten Early Learning Scale
To order or for more information, contact (224) 366-8581 or email: support@myelsonline.com
Cost of Preschool Quality & Revenue estimator (CPQR)
State early education administrators and policymakers need comprehensive and valid information on the costs of implementing a high-quality preschool program. The Cost of Preschool Quality & Revenue (CPQ&R) calculator, a free Excel-based tool, can help users determine costs and funding sources related to implementing high-quality preschool programs.
Classroom Assessment of Supports for Emergent Bilingual Acquisition (CASEBA)
The CASEBA measures the quality of language and literacy supports offered by teachers to children with a focus on Dual Language Learners (DLLs). The unpublished instrument has garnered attention from early childhood dual-language researchers across the country who are seeking observational tools to assess the quality of teacher input and interactions for both research and professional development in heavily dual-language classrooms.
Self-Evaluation of Supports for Emergent Bilingual Acquisition (SESEBA)
The SESEBA was developed to serve as an in-practice version of the CASEBA for use by teachers and coaches for the purpose of professional development. The underlying premise of both the CASEBA and SESEBA is that the use of high-quality and meaningful interactions in the home language, along with intentional and well-planned strategies for English language learning, are the best approach to teaching preschool-aged dual language learners (DLLs).
Teacher Survey of Early Education Quality
The TSEEQ is a self-report survey for early childhood teachers regarding their classroom practices and quality. The survey is completed independently and can be conducted either on paper or online. Teachers are asked to reflect on several aspects of the curriculum and classroom practices. These areas include literacy, math, science, physical education, and art curriculum, curriculum in general, instruction, assessment, physical environment, interaction and emotional climate, leadership and supervision, and family involvement.
Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment | Observación para la Medición del Ambiente del Hogar: (HOME-SP)
The HOME-SP is a NIEER translation (and adaptation) into Spanish of Infant and Toddler (IT) and Early Childhood (EC) Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (HOME) Inventory and its assessment manual. The HOME is designed to measure the quality and quantity of stimulation and support available to a child in the home environment, with a focus on the child.
Suggested Citation
Barnett, S., Jung, K. (2022). Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. New Brunswick, NJ: National Institute for Early Education Research.