Self-Evaluation of Supports for Emergent Bilingual Acquisition (SESEBA)
Enhance Your Teaching Practices with SESEBA
The SESEBA (Supporting English and Spanish Emergent Bilingual Acquisition) is a practical tool designed to complement the CASEBA, focusing on professional development for teachers and coaches working with preschool populations. SESEBA is built on the belief that the most effective way to teach preschool-aged dual language learners (DLLs) is through high-quality interactions in the home language, paired with intentional English language learning strategies.
Why Choose SESEBA?
SESEBA is tailored for programs that aim to support language and literacy development, helping preserve and enhance the home language while fostering English skills in DLLs. Aligned with best practices in professional development, SESEBA promotes intensive, sustained, and classroom-based methodologies, offering opportunities for self-reflection, planning, implementation, and iteration.
Key Benefits of SESEBA Training
- Reduce Discomfort: Help teachers become more comfortable and knowledgeable about emergent bilingual acquisition.
- Enhance Understanding: Improve teachers’ comprehension of the need for dual language instruction in preschool.
- Improve Practices: Foster better teaching practices for long-term impact.
- Create Lasting Change: Empower decision-makers to implement effective instruction beyond the professional development process.
How SESEBA Works
SESEBA guides teachers and coaches through a self-reflective process using the cognitive coaching cycle. The training includes specific aims for DLLs and focuses on the following areas:
- Gathering background information
- Cultural inclusion
- Curriculum content
- Supports for home language and English acquisition
- Social-emotional supports and classroom management
- Assessment
Get Started with SESEBA
- Access Training: Get trained in SESEBA and receive the tool. Check the latest training dates here.
- Request the Tool: The SESEBA Tool is available on a case-by-case basis. Submit your request here.
- Use the SESEBA Platform: Powered by Torsh, the SESEBA Platform allows you to upload self-recorded videos for effective self-reflection. Access Torsh now.
Suggested Citation
Figueras-Daniel, A., Frede, & Freedson, E. (2014). The Self-Evaluation of Classroom Supports for Emergent Bilingual Acquisition. New Brunswick, NJ: National Institute for Early Education Research. Used with permission from The National Institute for Early Education Research (www.NIEER.org). Not to be copied or distributed by individuals other than those with permission from NIEER.