Our Insights

Bredekamp Book Illuminates Effective Practices

Sue Bredekamp, one of the foremost authors on early childhood teaching practice, is out with a timely new book. Few are as qualified to write a primer on effective practice as she. Many may recall Sue is the primary author of NAEYC’s Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs (1987 and 1997 editions) and co-author of last year’s revision of that well-regarded volume. Her new effort, Effective Practices in Early Childhood Education, just arrived at NIEER and first impressions suggest it builds on that foundation. Research-based practices are demonstrated by example, there’s a “What Works” section in each chapter, and she integrates play as a means to promote learning throughout.

The book is comprehensive, weighing in at 576 pages. Integrated into the package are classroom demonstration videos and an online lab component where early childhood professionals can participate in exercises. We will be conducting a full review of Effective Practices in Early Childhood Education for an upcoming issue of Preschool Matters. In the meantime, Bredekamp, always an engaging speaker, will be appearing at select venues this spring as part of the launch. Below are places, dates and contact information.

Ellen Frede
Co-Director, NIEER

Location/EventDateCoordinator/Contact Info
NC / State-wide 2-year curriculum committee (virtual meeting)March 19Caroline Hardy – carolineh@beaufortccc.edu
Santa Monica ECE symposiumApril 7Erica.deluca@pearson.com
San Diego EE symposiumApril 8Erica.deluca@pearson.com
NYC Launch event / Madison AvenueApril 15Erica.deluca@pearson.com
Washington D.C. Launch eventApril 16Erica.deluca@pearson.com


The National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) at the Graduate School of Education, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, conducts and disseminates independent research and analysis to inform early childhood education policy.